Wareham Golf Club
Club Policies

Everyone should be able to enjoy golf in a safe environment. We all have a responsibility to protect and safeguard children and adults at risk. Parents, coaches and volunteers involved with Junior golf have a particular duty of care and are expected to abide by detailed codes of practice.

Safeguarding is the process of protecting children (legally anyone under age 18) and adults-at-risk from harm by providing a safe space in which to play and practise golf and be active.

One important difference between safeguarding adults and safeguarding children is that there also needs to be a culture that consults with adults on every decision that affects them. Adults can of course make their own decisions, so it's important to keep them well informed.Similarly, unless the concern is specifically about them, parents/carers must be informed and involved in any decisions about their child


If you think a child is in immediate danger and/or requires medical attention, you should call the emergency services on 999.

It is important to remember that the welfare of the child is paramount. However, it's not up to you to decide whether or not a child has been abused, but to report concerns appropriately.

If you a have a concern that a child is being bullied (including on-line), abused or is at risk of harm, you should report this to, and seek advice from,the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) on 07970 082054 or email welfareofficer@warehamgolfclub.com

If the CWO is are not available, contact:
* England Golf Safeguarding Team on 01526 351824 or email safeguarding@englandgolf.org
* The NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000


If you think an adult is in immediate danger or requires medical attention, you should call the emergency services on 999. Wherever possible let the adult know what you’re doing. If the adult is not in immediate danger or injured, wherever possible you should discuss your concerns with the adult and look together at what should happen next.

Any person making a disclosure about a child or adult at risk is covered by our Whistleblowing Policy and will not suffer any detriment for making a disclosure made in good faith and in the public interest

Equality Diversity & Inclusion

We passionately believe that golf should belong to everyone. All who play, and all who aspire to play, must have an equal opportunity to do so.

There is no place in golf for any form of discrimination.

* Everyone is treated fairly so they may enjoy all aspects of golf (Equality)

* Everyone is recognised and can see themselves and be seen in golf (Diversity)

* Everyone is welcomed and feels that they belong in golf (Inclusion)

We are a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) and open to all

Safety on the Course

A golf course is an inherently hazardous place. We have taken steps to reduce or mitigate safety risks, but you must play your part.

Keep others safe - You are legally liable for your own golf shots if they result in injury or damage:
• Only play when it’s safe to do so and other players are out of your range
• If you tend to hit wayward shots, wait until other players are out of harm’s way
• On holes 8, 10, 13, 14 & 16 players in front may not be visible due to the course topography - wait for the bell or until you can see them
• Always shout “FORE” if you play a stray shot
• Respect that greens staff have absolute right of way on the course, as do the public on the public footpaths - wait until they are clear

Keep yourself safe
• Don’t walk ahead of your playing partners and keep a safe distance from their practise swings & shots
• Always USE STEPS to tees
• Watch out for sprinkler heads around tees and greens
• Don’t take risks in deep ditches – use a ball retriever & take the penalty!
• Don’t go down the steep slope on 10 - USE THE PATH
• Take evasive action on hearing a shout of “FORE”- turn away from the direction of the shout and cover your head with your arms
• Honour the safety signage and ring bells as you pass them
• Take care around wooden sleepers on tee areas, winter mats and paths

Accidents & Emergencies
• If anyone needs urgent medical attention call 999, give our address as Sandford Road, Wareham, BH20 4DH and a specific location on the course. Then call the Clubhouse 01929 554147
• Report any accident or near-miss to Proshop on 01929 554147 or proshop@warehamgolfclub.com
• 1st aid kits are available in the bar, Office, Proshop and Greenkeepers’ shed
• A defibrillator is located in the Clubhouse

• Leave the course immediately if you hear two long blasts of the horn, which indicates a course closure due to the weather conditions
• If there is lightening, leave the course immediately and do not wait for the horn
• In the event of fog, very wet or icy conditions, the course may be closed or subject to restrictions. Please abide by the closure/restrictions